The formation

In the recent years, the emphasis were whole on the importance of production the services and trade however some intellectual and ethical terms have been ignored, which might be due to the legal oriented atmosphere. Hence the ignorance to ethical principles, regarding the beneficiaries, has lead to a great loss to the country. Losing the markets in the middle east countries such as Caucasus, Iraq, Afghanistan and etc. are good examples of this bitter experience.

Thus, through some self-seeker merchants or so called producers solely, the trade and the foreign business, some economical and commissioned activists have lost their situation. Following the mentioned reason and having ignored the issue, the committee for ethics, rights and jurisdiction in business was established in 1386 in the chamber of Iran trade, industry, mining and agriculture.

The committee’s priorities were discussed on the very first session of it on the Sunday the 27th of Aban 1386. Then it was decided to create national ethic in business bill.

It was necessary to find more about the bill’s background, while preparing it. It was discovered the only step which has been taken in the country was the 1st international congress on business ethics in the globalization era. All the pertinent documents and reports of the congress were collected through coordination of globalization study center and Tehran chamber as the trustee of the issue.

On 18th of Aban 1390, the strategic committee in Iran chambers organization issued the authorization of the association which was called “Iranian business ethics association”. Since registering the association in the chamber needed to have members with real membership or trade cards and such registration facilitated the membership of the economy activists, it was concluded the association should start its formal activities with another source.

Consequently, the association as registered in the ministry of Interior which it lead to issuing certificate for the association with the title of Iranian business ethics and social responsibility on the 14th of Azar, 1396 with following members:

-Mohsen Khalili Araghi, the president of the board of directors

-Farzin Entesarian as the vice president of the board of the directors

-Ali Naghib as the treasurer

-Sanjabi Shirazi as the member of the board of the directors

-Mohammad Mahdi Rasekh as the member of the board of the directors

-Saeed Jaber Ansari as member of the board of the directors

-Nasrolah Mohammad hoseein Fallah as the alternate member of the board of the directors

-Dariush Amir Yegane as the controller

-Rahman Hassani as the secretary general